2024 Safeguarding Conferences
This year's Spring Safeguarding Conference was held on Thursday 23rd May.
We were very pleased to welcome Robert Lightowler as our keynote speaker. A former head teacher, pastor and prison chaplain, his present focus is working with survivors of trauma and facilitating Post Traumatic Growth (PTG).
In 2018 his book was published - ‘Breaking The Silence on Child Abuse’ (published by DayOne) - using a pseudonym so that it could be used in prisons. He has an MSc in Applied Psychology and is now writing a handbook for survivors called ‘A Tool Box of Hope - A PTG Programme’. He also runs workshops for communities and professionals on trauma and enabling PTG, as part of SPRINGS - Restoration from Trauma, which runs a support group meeting face-to-face with plans for another online.
You can catch up with Robert's talk and the rest of the Conference with the Zoom recording here. The passcode is Europe5afe*.
There are a number of events planned around Safeguarding Sunday in November:
- Service - Friday 15th November
- Autumn Safeguarding Conference - Saturday 16th November
- Safeguarding Sunday - 17th November
Save the dates!
CSO mentoring workshops
Thank you for carrying out this very important part in the Church’s ministry. It is appreciated that the role of a Chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer is not only challenging but can often feel isolated. This is especially true in our diocese with the additional problematic factors of distance, as well as different languages, cultures, and laws. This is the reason a team of experienced CSOs put together a series of workshops which aimed to help CSOs by covering some of the building blocks of your role.
Each workshop covered different topics, and were very informative and well received. You will find links below to watch the recordings on Zoom.
The Zoom recording of the first workshop is available by clicking this link. The passcode is Work5hop1*. (Please note the breakout rooms were not recorded, so when watching it you may like to fast forward from 10 to 26 minutes.)
The Zoom recording of the second workshop is available by clicking this link. The passcode is Work5hop2*.
The Zoom recording of the third workshop is available by clicking this link. The passcode is Work5hop3*.
Dates for future workshops will be announced shortly.
Previous conferences
A Zoom recording of the November 2023 conference is available here. The passcode is November23#.
The Zoom recording May 2023 conference is available on request to europe.safeguarding@churchofengland.org.
A Zoom recording of the November 2022 conference is available here. The access passcode is: Safeguarding2022#.
A Zoom recording of the May 2022 conference is available here. The access passcode is: 5afeguard1ng!.
9th March 2022 - Supporting Victims / Survivors and those impacted
A Zoom recording of the workshop is available here. The access passcode is: 5afeguard1ng*.
Lisa's PowerPoint presentation and notes are available on request to europe.safeguarding@churchofengland.org.