Caring for creation

Responding to the climate crisis is an essential part of our responsibility to safeguard God’s creation and achieve a just world.
Climate change hits hardest on the poorest countries and poorest people of the world. Meanwhile, the widespread destruction of the natural world is a crisis for creation.
Tackling climate change also supports our local mission. It witnesses to our communities that we are people who care about climate justice, now and for the future.
How the diocese is taking action

The Care for Creation Policy
Our diocese commits to three projects which help us put Caring for Creation into practice: becoming an Eco-Diocese, working towards net-zero carbon by 2030, and celebrating the Season of Creation.

Programme of Activity Towards Net Zero

Becoming an Eco-Diocese

Celebrating Creation
Caring for Creation – action by chaplaincies
Excited by the Church’s commitment to net zero by 2030? Want to know how to put this into action in your chaplaincy? The Diocese in Europe has a Towards Net Zero programme of activities. The steps below are for phase 1 of the programme of activity (from 2023).
Further resources for chaplaincies
These resources have been suggested and used by those across our diocese. If you have further resources that you have found useful, please do share those with the communications team who can add links here.
Please note that these links will navigate you away from this site, and we have no responsibility over their content.
Latest caring for creation news

Eco grant application form