Courses and learning

God calls people to a wide range of ministries, lay and ordained, in our church and in our everyday lives.
Youth and children’s ministers, evangelists, missionaries, Readers, pioneers, and community workers are generally lay ministers, though some may be ordained. Read on to explore the training opportunities the diocese provides.
Walking Together in Faith
The diocese also offers training to lay members of the church. This might be to encourage them into lay ministry or even to consider ordination. But equally, it could be to develop their faith journey as followers of Jesus Christ. We are committed to the idea of being a church of missionary disciples and we stress the importance of the discipleship of all Christian people and a faith lived out seven days a week.

For clergy

Training for curates (IME2)

Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD)
Further lay training

Spiritual Director Training
Promotional events with more details about the course and pre-course interviews usually take place in the autumn, with the course beginning the following spring. Anyone connected to a chaplaincy in the diocese interested in the course should contact the Ministry Team Administrator: