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Two chaplaincies share ideas for taking action in caring for creation.
Social action
Exciting news about the 2024 Racial Justice conference, 'ALL of us or NONE of us'
Friends of the Diocese
Details of the annual Friends Reunion, all are welcome.
How St Nicholas' in Helsinki used herbs to inspire discussion on the environment, history, medicine and crafts!
Over 50 people joined an online service of celebration last night
Bishop Robert speaks about this season of Creationtide and how we can hope and act with creation with our young people.
Fr Benjamin Drury reflects on the fires encroaching on Athens.
As the Olympic Games bring many thousands of people to France, our chaplaincies get involved to support those visiting and competing
Reverend Charlotte Sullivan leads a service at Trinity Church in Maisons-Laffitte, Paris
Friends of the Diocese
The Summer newsletter of the Friends of the Diocese
Ordinations from the ordinands perspective - a shared experience of love and celebration.