This resources section brings together information, policies and documents for clergy and church officers across the Diocese in Europe.
It also includes information for those wishing to hold baptisms, weddings or funerals in the diocese.

The Diocesan Handbook
This contains the key documents which govern the life of our diocese.
It has been written to be fully compliant with a number of legal requirements which apply to the diocese, and to support our clergy and church officers in their roles within chaplaincies.
It has been written to be fully compliant with a number of legal requirements which apply to the diocese, and to support our clergy and church officers in their roles within chaplaincies.

Baptisms, weddings and funerals
We can provide advice and support if you are looking to get married in one of our churches. We offer baptism and christening services for infants and baptism and confirmation for those who have come to faith. We are also here in times of loss and grief, providing funeral services and support for the bereaved.
Areas of interest

Chaplaincy guides
Details about our commitment to the well-being of our clergy, links to guides for chaplaincies covering various aspects of life and details of guidelines for retired clergy.

Policies of the Diocese in Europe
The diocese has a range of policies and guidelines, including on safeguarding, anti-bullying, racial justice and caring for creation. They can be found on this page.

Communications work with the press to promote the life and work of the diocese, provide support to chaplaincies, gather stories to help promote the Gospel and more.

Prayer and Worship
Prayer and worship are fundamental parts of the Christian life. They build us up spiritually and they deepen our love for God and our relationship with him. In worship we express theology and define our identity. Through worship, we can encounter God, express our love for him and can be transformed.

Morning and Evening Prayer in French
In this section, you can find the essential texts for celebrating Common Worship Morning and Evening Prayer in French and English. There are also authorised liturgies in French for use in baptism, confirmation, marriage and funeral services.