
Whether it's a simple conversation, a poster or a video, we can use communication tools to describe the God that we know and the church life that we're part of.
In this area of the website, you'll find resources to equip you for effective communication, as well as hear stories about what God is doing from across the diocese.
The Communications team work with the press to promote the life and work of the diocese and provide support to chaplaincies during times of crisis and media interest, such as for the King's Coronation.
We gather and share stories from chaplaincies, as well as thoughtful commentary through our latest news, a monthly e-newsletter, and an online magazine, European Anglicans.
We manage the diocesan website and social media channels. In addition to developing and promoting materials to support our common vision, we craft imaginative campaigns to help promote the Gospel, and much more!

Media support for chaplaincies
We can assist you to manage any potential or current media issues. We can advise you most effectively if we are involved in the situation from an early stage, so please contact us as soon as possible. If you receive a call from a journalist that you do not feel comfortable dealing with, take the journalist’s contact details, the nature of their query and the deadline that they are writing to and get in touch with us, we can speak with them on your behalf.

Information for media
Brand guidelines
The Diocese of Europe brand is how we identify and distinguish ourselves in people’s minds. Millions of people are now connected to digital devices as their primary means to access information.
The Diocese in Europe brand needs to be able to support this now and in the future. Our brand needs to work for this digital age. So, we have created a modern design that will work across all platforms, digital and traditional.

Social media policy
It can also be a complicated place, which needs care and thought. For a simple guide on the different social media platforms, visit the Church of England website.

Social media training
If there is support you need but can’t find it on the Digital Labs site, email us!
What’s happening in your area? We'd like to share more about interesting, unusual and exciting things going on in your part of the diocese. Send your story in to the Communications team
Stay up to date with news from the Diocese in Europe on our latest news page.