Communicating about generous giving

Advice and ideas on how we can communicate more effectively about giving, how our mission and ministry is resourced through people’s generosity, and the impact our churches have both in our local communities and the wider world.
The way that we communicate about giving is vital to encourage a culture of generosity in our churches. The following resources provide some ideas on how we can all better communicate with our communities about giving generously and how it enables the mission and ministry of chaplaincies to flourish.
General guides for chaplaincy leaders
These two short and accessible guides offer an excellent overview of the importance of communication, exploring some of the principles and building confidence in the way we shape our messages and use language.
Thanking people
Sending an annual personal 'thank you' letter values givers and acknowledges their gift. It also offers a great opportunity to communicate how their financial generosity is making a difference to the church's mission and ministry. (Some chaplaincies may also wish to extend a letter of thanks to everyone in the church for their wider support over the year.) A letter is just one of the many methods of expressing our appreciation. We can also thank people in our services, notice sheets, magazines, website and social media.
Thank you letters: Five tips and ideas
- Make sure your thank you is just a thank you - not a 'thank you and please can we ask you for more money'.
- Let people know what their giving has enabled. 'Thanks to your generosity, here are some of things our church has been able to do over the past year...'
- Think about when it might be best to send out a thank you letter each year. For example, this could be January, at the end of the tax year, or around the time of your church's annual meeting.
- Handwrite/include the person's name (no 'Dear Friend') at the start of the letter, as well as your signature at the end.
- Use some of the templates below as a starting point.
Communicating our impact
As we give, we resource mission and ministry, enabling us to share God’s love in the world. Chaplaincies can use the Year in the Life of a Church poster templates below to show what God is doing through His church and the enormous privilege of being used by Him to transform lives and communities. Remember to communicate your impact to both your church family and the wider community - through meetings, services, websites, social media in and church buildings.
Some versions of the poster are in Powerpoint, others are in a free design tool called Canva which you will need to register for.

A Year in the Life of a Church template – Template 1 and 2

A Year in the Life of a Church template – Template 2B

Guide to editing ‘A Year in the Life’ template posters in Canva

Video guide to editing a poster in Canva

A Year in the Life of a Church template - Template 3 Powerpoint

A Year in the Life of a Church template - Template 4

A Year in the Life of a Church donation template PORTRAIT