‘To hope and act with creation’ - Creationtide messages

Creationtide is the time in our church calendar dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life. “The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. We join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home.”
This year's theme is ‘to hope and act with creation’. We asked our young people what they love about our planet and what their hopes for the future are.
Over the next four weeks, we will be sharing these video messages from across our diocese on our social media channels.
Many of our chaplaincies choose to use this time of year to hold special services and events that give thanks to God for the wonder of the gift of creation. It is also a time to focus on our actions and renew our commitment to combating climate change and taking care of our planet.
Here is a wonderful message of hope underpinned by the need for action from Bishop Robert:
Please look out for the videos of our young people and share them in your chaplaincies. They could also act as discussion and thought starters. We would love to hear about your own inspirations and hopes for the planet, as well as some of the ways you are celebrating or marking Creationtide in your chaplaincies and communities.
You can find resources for your chaplaincies on our website and on the creationtide website