Eco grants available for chaplaincies

Special Notice: The deadline has been extended to 14th February
Up to €3000 grants available from the Net Zero Carbon Programme
Small changes can make a big difference in our journey towards Net Zero Carbon. To help chaplaincies, 'quick win' grants are now available. These can be used for small changes to your buildings which will improve your environmental impact. Maybe fixing an ill-fitting door; draught-proofing windows; replacing light bulbs with LED; installing smart/thermostatic radiator valves.
The Church of England Net Zero Carbon Programme has awarded the Diocese in Europe £48,850 to fund “Quick Wins” in churches and church halls – small investments that will reduce carbon emissions.
A wide range of items can be funded, depending on the needs of the chaplaincy. Eligible projects include replacing a faulty/ill-fitting door; draughtproofing windows; replacing a window; repairing gutters; replacing light bulbs with LED; curtains for draughty/single glazed windows; smart/thermostatic radiator valves; a smart heating thermostat...
For more information and to apply, please see the Caring for Creation pages The application form is right at the bottom of that page.