Bishop's Appeal updates: St Andrew's, Moscow

The chaplain at St Andrew's, The Revd Canon Malcolm Rogers and newly ordained deacon, The Revd Glen Ruffle share this update with us on the Bishop's Advent 2018 Appeal, which raised nearly £13,000:
"In Advent 2018, the Bishop of Europe’s appeal was to raise money for St Andrew’s Moscow, to help us update our church’s facilities, and specifically, to install a new kitchenette.
We are delighted to be able to present photos of the finished work, and to inform the Diocese that these new facilities are a great blessing and help to everyone in the church and all who use the building.
Thank you so much to all who gave and contributed, your giving is actively helping us minister to the people of Moscow and, as Bishop Robert prayed, enhance the welcome we give to our visitors!
Bishop Robert came out in November 2019 to formally bless and open the kitchen, and we were greatly encouraged by his visit. He also confirmed some 15 people while he was here, and we regularly have people asking when will a bishop next be coming to visit us!
Most significantly, the kitchen provides us with cooking and tea/coffee facilities every Sunday for people after the worship service. The ease of administering this simple act of hospitality has been greatly increased, and we have a clear, defined space for people to gather, chat, and catch up with their friends over a warm brew!
The kitchen also blesses the other organisations using the building: the playgroup have been able to use it in helping the little children who attend; musical artists who are giving performances in concerts in our main church hall enjoy its use as a ‘Green Room’; and last but not least, the staff, clergy, security and administration of the church all enjoy access to clean water without having to climb 40 plus stairs to find a tap!
At Christmas 2020, we used the room and kitchen to bless many people, even in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis. It was lovely to be able to help feed some people who struggle financially, and eat alongside others who were lonely at Christmas, while all the time observing social distancing.

As the world opens up post-Covid, we hope to develop use of the kitchenette to help us offer simple shared lunches for our congregation, and also launch tea and coffee drop-ins, alongside breakfasts at the church. There is vast potential for us to tap with this great resource!"
The kitchen is equipped with an oven, draws for cutlery and mugs, a dishwasher, a sink with a special tap providing filtered water, and all cupboards have tailored design enabling the unit to be secured and used as shelving if needed.
Our building in Moscow is part of Russia’s cultural heritage, and we have to take great care when making modifications. The kitchenette is a fabulous addition that meets regulations, and enhances our ability to raise more money for restoration of the wider building, a project costing hundreds and thousands of dollars.
Once again, St Andrew’s Moscow thanks the Diocese for your support!"

To find out more about St Andrew's, Moscow visit their website and Facebook page: