Prayers Across Europe for Peace in Ukraine

UPDATED 1 March 19.30 GMT
Practical and financial support
Many Chaplaincies and individuals have been in touch wanting to give practical and financial help to our people and others in Ukraine.
We will keep updating the information on our website in the coming days as more information emerges and things develop.
Below is our recommendation at the moment.
Many thanks for your generosity
Christ Church Kyiv has funds in London looked after by our Diocese. The chaplaincy will be hugely grateful for donations made via the Diocese. They will work with the Diocese so these can support the Mission and Ministry of the Chaplaincy and its community.
You can give here and please mark your donation ‘Kyiv’ in the comments. Gift Aid can be applied via Just Giving.
Or if you wish to give by bank transfer the details are:
Barclays Bank plc
Account name: Diocese in Europe Fund
Account number: 40317039
Sort code: 20-06-13
Please reference ‘Kyiv’ with your gift.
For humanitarian assistance and particularly work with refugees, a number of agencies have launched appeals:
Details of the Red Cross appeal and the UNHCR appeal are here.
All are invited to join together for
Prayers Across Europe for Peace in Ukraine
Tuesday 1st March
1800gmt / 1900cet / 2000eet (Kyiv) / 2100gmt+3 (Moscow)
Led by: Bishop Robert Innes
Rev’d Canon Malcolm Rogers, Chaplain of St Andrew’s, Moscow and Area Dean of Russia and Ukraine
Representatives of Christ Church, Kyiv
From Bishop Robert Re Prayers Across Europe for Peace in Ukraine on Tuesday 1st March
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The situation in Ukraine is very deeply troubling. President Putin is leading a completely unjustified and aggressive war against Ukraine, a war which many ordinary Russians deeply deplore. Leaders from many Christian churches, including the Ukrainian Orthodox (Russian Patriarchate) Church have condemned the invasion of Ukraine. Our hearts cry out for justice and peace. We are most especially concerned for the wellbeing of those in Ukraine who are directly affected by the war. This includes particularly the members of our own congregation of Christ Church, Kyiv. The Churchwarden there, Christina, messaged us this morning saying: ‘Please pray for us as we are standing here for our land and for our roots. The battle for Kyiv has begun; it is fierce and intensive. Pray for us.’
I am therefore inviting you to join an online gathering next Tuesday 1st March at 18:00 gmt/ 19:00 cet/ 20:00 Kyiv/ 21:00 Moscow: ‘Prayers across Europe for Peace in Ukraine’. The gathering is timed for the eve of a Day of Prayer called by Pope Francis. It will be led by me, with assistance from Canon Malcolm Rogers, our chaplain in Moscow and Area Dean for Russia and Ukraine.
In the face of military action, we can easily feel powerless and fearful. But one thing we can do is pray. We can pray in solidarity with those most affected. We can pray that God will yet overrule in the hearts and minds of those with power and authority. We can pray that the victims will be few and that the innocent will be protected. We can pray that peace will come through justice and not through the infliction of the will of a stronger party on a weaker.
In this prayer gathering, we will be joined by many people from Church of England churches in England. In addition, Archbishop Justin has drawn the event to the attention [to] of Anglican Primates from across the world.
So please do come if you can to share with many people from across Europe and beyond in praying for peace in Ukraine and in our continent.
The service will be streamed on YouTube so please share this link with your congregations and friends.
Yours in Christ,
+Robert Gibraltar in Europe