Celebrating Nicaea

Every Sunday, we say the words of the Nicene Creed in our service. These words unite us in our Anglican faith – across our diocese from Norway to Morocco and across the world, hundreds of thousands of people in church say the same words together as a proclamation of our shared faith.
We have a special reason for celebration in our diocese according to Bishop Robert;
“In 325, hundreds of bishops – some from rich and influential cities, others from poor and obscure regions - gathered in Nicaea on the frontier of the Empire’s Greek-speaking East and Latin-speaking West. They were the first fully ecumenical council. Their gathering marked the transition of Christianity into a properly international religion with public impact. It was this gathering which produced the Nicene Creed.
This succinct statement articulates the radical, biblical insight that Jesus is both truly God living among us and truly human, living and dying in human history. In 2025, we celebrate that momentous Council and ponder afresh the world-changing beliefs which it articulated. In 2025, we know more than ever the world’s deep need for healing. That is why I am excited this anniversary year to be declaring with Christians across the globe God’s saving intent for humanity as expressed in our ancient creed.“
The Revd James Buxton, chaplain at Izmir in Turkey, travelled north to Iznik (modern-day Nicaea), where he brings the beginnings of the Creed alive:
This is a wonderful opportunity to breathe new life into the words of the Nicene Creed and bring fresh vibrancy to our united proclamation. We will therefore be sharing a range of resources to encourage and empower all in our chaplaincies and communities over the coming year.
Keep an eye on our dedicated web page here, which will be updated over the coming months. Please let us know if you have anything planned in your chaplaincy too: communications@europe.anglican.org